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Joanna M. African Author
Joanna M.
09 / 2020

How to Reduce Shedding on Natural 4C Hair

Natural afro hair

Having 4C hair is absolutely amazing. There’s nothing better than rocking your natural locks and feeling great in it. When you have 4C hair though, a common issue you could encounter on your natural hair journey is shedding, and everyone knows how much that sucks. There are several reasons why your hair may be experiencing shedding or breakage, but it typically occurs when the strands of your hair are too dry or when too much pressure is put on your stands. If this is one of the things you struggle with, we’ve got you covered. We’ve put together a list of our top ways to reduce shedding on your 4C hair, as well as helpful tips in between.

Review your products

Sometimes, the problem you have with shedding actually originates from the products you use on your hair. A lot of people with natural 4C hair tend to use a lot of products on their hair. The issue with using too many products on your hair is that some of them might affect your hair negatively, and one way this shows is through shedding. More than that, some products contain chemical products that your hair might react to, which weakens your hair’s natural structure and causes shedding. As much as you love your hair products, you need to make sure that they are actually good for your hair. One way you can achieve this is by only trying out a couple of products at a time until you finally put together a hair routine that works for you, as opposed to buying several products at a time and using them at the same time. You can also try making the switch to products that are all natural, and without any harsh chemical additives. This way, you know exactly what goes into your hair and can reduce the damage done to your hair. 

Go over your diet

Did you know that the food you consume can affect your hair’s health? If your hair suddenly starts shedding, you might want to take a critical look at your diet. Certain foods are very unhealthy, not just for your body, but for your hair as well. For example, sugar. Your hair needs protein to grow, but when you consume too much sugar, it works as a hindrance for your hair’s absorption. Another food that is bad for your hair is alcohol, as it can make your hair weak and brittle, and reduce the amount of zinc in your body, which your hair needs. Alternatively, there are foods that are particularly healthy for your hair. foods like leafy greens, nuts, fish, eggs and certain dairy products are great for improving the health of your hair and strengthening it enough to prevent shedding. It is also important that you consume foods rich in minerals and vitamins (or you can take supplements) and drink enough water on a daily basis. All of these contribute towards repairing the cuticles of your hair. Also try to get in some exercise every once in a while, as studies have found that exercise causes better circulation on your scalp and improves your hair’s growth cycle, which stimulate hair growth.

Protein treatments

To put it quite plainly, your hair needs protein. A protein called keratin is what makes up your hair, and it is responsible for giving your hair its shape and structure. However, your hair needs additional protein occasionally in order to maintain its strength. You would know that your hair needs protein when it starts looking and feeling limp, loses its shine, and starts shedding. To avoid this, you need to ensure that you are feeding your hair with the protein it needs, and you can do this in the form of protein treatments. A protein treatment is essentially any product that you use on your hair to restore the protein, and eventually strength of your hair. a protein treatment can be made at home using very accessible ingredients that you can find around your kitchen, but if you’re not a DIY kind of person, you could also find good protein treatment products at your local hair shop. As a person with natural 4C hair, it is recommended that you do a protein treatment every month to two months. It is important that you don’t overdo it with protein treatments, as you can use too much which can cause your hair to become dry and stiff.

Detangle your hair

How often you detangle your hair can have a significant effect on the way your hair sheds. With natural 4C hair, detangling your hair is important so as to avoid dealing with knots and breakage. That being said, it is possible to detangle your hair too much. A lot of people with natural hair do not even know that they over detangle their hair and this can actually do more harm than good to your roots and ends. This is because overmanipulating your hair can weaken your stands and make it shed more than necessary. The alternative is to detangle your hair up until your fingers can easily slide through, then you can go to the next section. It is also necessary to note that how you detangle your hair is important as well. Some people use certain brushes that can actually cause damage your hair. When detangling, make sure that you are using a brush specifically intended for detangling. Alternatively, you can try finger detangling as it allows you to be a lot gentler compared to when you’re using a brush. It is best to use a conditioner and water as you run your fingers through your hair. 

Deep conditioning

As a 4C guy or girl, your hair thirsts for conditioning. Conditioner is necessary for your hair, as this step in your natural hair routine keeps your hair strong and prevents shedding and breakage. Conditioning after your wash your hair is great, and you can use a regular conditioner to do that, but to take things a step further, you can try deep conditioning. To deep condition your hair, you’ll need a deep conditioner as it not only strengthens your hair, but it also makes your hair look and feel softer and more manageable. Where regular conditioning is done regularly and actually works to soften your hair, its effects are temporary compared to deep conditioning. Deep conditioning is more long lasting as it actually is made up of ingredients such as fatty acids and oils that deeply penetrate the roots and strands of your hair and strengthen it. The process of deep conditioning is done less frequently that regular conditioning, but it is necessary. To deep condition your hair, all you need is a deep conditioner that you can get from your local hair store, a cover cap and some time on your hands.

Moisturize your hair

As aforementioned, one of the major reasons why your hair might be experiencing shedding is because the strands have become dry and brittle, making it easier for them to fall off. When your hair is dry like this, it is usually an indication that it needs moisture. Regularly moisturizing your hair is essential, especially when you have 4C hair as this hair type is known for being able to lose its moisture quickly. It is not enough to just moisturize; you need to do it the right way so that your hair retains as much moisture for as long as possible. There are different ways that you can moisturize and seal your hair, however the most popular method is the ‘liquid, oil then cream’ method. This method of moisturizing involves applying any liquid products first, before moving on to oil products and then cream products. This way, you allow your hair to hold on to a lot of moisture, meaning that it won’t dry out quickly, which as a result, reduces the amount of breaking and shedding. keep in mind that you can also attempt hydration masks alongside moisturizing in order to benefit from maximum hydration and moisture retention. 

Reduce the amount of heat you use

Heat damage is a real thing with 4C hair, and it is one of the things that can cause your hair to become too weak and dry, hence leading to excessive amounts of shedding. introducing heat to your hair is not the issue, as it has been shown that heat actually works to open your hair cuticles, which allows for better absorption of products. When you start using too much heat on your hair though, the issue arises, as too much heat actually weakens the structure of your stands and causes breakage. To avoid this, it is critical that you regulate the amount of heat you apply to your hair. For example, using a blow drier, hair straightener or curler on your hair should only be done once in a while. Also, when you do finally make use of these heating tools, ensure that you use them safely. This can be done by reducing the heat setting on the tools, or better yet, using them on the cooling setting. More so, be selective about the kinds of tools you use. Consider switching to ceramic heating tools as they distribute heat more evenly compared to others. If your hair has already been damaged by heat or other causes, it is best that you stay away from heating tools completely as you attempt to restore the health of your hair.

Don not over wash

Cleaning/washing your hair is a good thing, however, it is possible to go over the top when it comes to shampooing and washing. When it comes to 4C hair, over washing means over manipulation of the hair, and as you must have come to know by now, this isn’t great for your hair. Besides, over manipulating your hair, especially while you wash it is a very common cause of shedding. In order to retain your strands and length, you can start with going over how frequently you wash your hair. it is recommended to wash your 4C hair at most twice every month. Over exposing your hair to shampoo isn’t healthy for it. Instead, you can replace the frequency of which you wash your hair with deep conditioning, which can be done twice every two weeks. Next, you need to think about how you wash your hair. Rough hand movements as you wash your hair is common, yet very wrong for your hair. it is best to use gentle movement with the tips of your fingers as you go over your scalp, and then make sure to end your wash with a good conditioner that contains moisturizing ingredients. Finally, consider the kind of shampoo you use. Some shampoos contain chemical ingredients that can actually damage your hair. To be safe, it is best to opt for natural shampoos that contain the right surfactants (which can be anionic, nonionic and amphoteric) for your hair type.

Protect your hair

There are a couple of things you could do to protect your hair to reduce shedding. First of all, you need to make sure that you protect your ends. The ends of your hair are the oldest parts of your hair, and so they are the weakest and more likely to break. To protect your ends, you need to take care of them properly. Ensure that you moisturize them and keep them protected even when you style your hair. You can also use a good sealant on your ends after you’re done twisting your hair. If you have split ends, trimming them is necessary as avoiding this can cause further breakage. Another good practice to apply is to protect your hair with either a satin scarf or bonnet every night when you sleep. This is because exposing your hair directly to your sheets can result in damage caused by friction, as well as loss of moisture. A satin fabric over your hair is the best fabric to sleep with as it prevents loss of moisture as well as any friction. 

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